Coople connects you with jobs that match your skills, availability and requirements. With Coople you can work whenever and wherever you like. Just sign up for free, choose your preferred job profile, and receive requests for flexible jobs in your area. You can simply accept or decline jobs. Download the free app now and instead of searching for jobs, start choosing jobs! Click here to see how it works.
Coople mainly focuses on the following industries: hospitality, events & promotion, retail, logistics, healthcare, as well as business and administrative services (office jobs).
Coople is the world’s first marketplace for flexible work and the simplest connection between employers and employees. Quick, flexible and available right now.
Coople, a Swiss company established in 2011 under the name STAFF FINDER, has been the leading marketplace for the on-demand working environment for the past six years. Registered businesses use Coople to find flexible employees to fill immediate staffing needs around the clock. With Coople they achieve highly efficient personnel planning, whether a job lasts three months, two weeks, or just a half hour. For workers, Coople makes the job hunt as easy as possible, and offers them the opportunity to adapt their working hours according to their changing plans and lifestyles. Coople’s mutual rating system ensures security, and serves as a basis for employers and employees to make decisions about future collaboration.
Coople employs around 100 people at its offices in Zurich and London, and connects more than 130,000 registered employees with more than 6,000 employers in Switzerland alone. 98% of job requests are filled on the online marketplace in less than four hours.