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Online Academy

Springe zur Kursbeschreibung
Klingon intruduction course E-School
Do you speak Klingon? You will after our course!
  • Flexible and available from anywhere
  • Ten 45-minute lessons in a virtual classroom are included
  • Language of instruction: German
  • Small groups with a maximum of ten students
  • Focus on: language & culture, origins, interactive exercises and verbal communication skills
  • Confirmation of participation having attended at least 80% of the online lessons
  • Your profile
  • System requirements
    • Browser: Internet Explorer, version 10 or higher, MS Edge, Firefox, version 38 or higher, Chrome, version 43 or higher, Safari, version 8 or higher, Android, version 4 or higher.
    • Fast internet connection (at least 20 Mbit/s).
    • Sound card, microphone/headset.
    • For meetings in the online classroom on a PC or Mac:
      • Microsoft Windows, version 7 or higher or Mac 10.8 or higher.
      • Adobe® Flash® Player 13.0+.
    • For meetings in the online classroom on a mobile device:
      • Apple OS version iOS 6 or higher: iPhone version 4S or higher, iPad version 2 or higher, iPad mini.
      • Android OS version 2.3.4 or higher: Motorola Droid Razr Maxx, Motorola Atrix, Motorola Xoom, Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 10.1, Samsung Galaxy S3 and S4, Nexus 7 tablet.
  • Learning objectives

    At the end of this course you will be able to:

    • understand the origins of Klingon language
    • speak to an earthling in Klingon.
  • Dates
    Session 1: Fr, 13.04.18 | 08:30-09:15 p.m.

    Session 2: Fr, 20.04.18 | 08:30-09:15 p.m.

    Session 3: Fr, 27.04.18 | 08:30-09:15 p.m.

    ​Session 4: Fr, 04.05.18 | 08:30-09:15 p.m.

    ​​Session 5: Fr, 11.05.18 | 08:30-09:15 p.m.

    ​​Session 6: Fr, 18.05.18 | 08:30-09:15 p.m.

    ​​Session 7: Fr, 25.05.18 | 08:30-09:15 p.m.

    ​​​Session 8: Fr, 01.06.18 | 08:30-09:15 p.m.

    Session 9: Fr, 08.06.18 | 08:30-09:15 p.m.

    Session 10: Fr, 15.06.18 | 08:30-09:15 p.m.
Course start Apr 06, 2018
Course end Jun 15, 2018
Course times Every Friday starting from course start: | 10x 08:30-09:15 p.m.
Course location Online
Price incl. VAT CHF 190.00
Important information
Es gelten die Bedingungen gemäss AGBs der Online Academy (abrufbar hier). Die Online Academy ist insbesondere jederzeit berechtigt, bei geringer Teilnehmerzahl oder aus anderen wichtigen Gründen auf die Durchführung des Klingonisch Sprachkurses zu verzichten und das Kursgeld zu erlassen bzw. rückzuerstatten.